Monday, May 26, 2014

Language does not matter

It’s been years since I have made time and written in this blog. I plan to start back writing on interesting things I read or experience from now on. Here’s what I found interesting for this month.

I was searching for reports on security attacks and found the following interesting sites –

Data losses -

Reading information on all the above sites, one and only thing clearly standing out is “LANGUAGE DOES NOT MATTER”. No matter what language or script is used in developing applications, it is prone to one or other type of attack. Companies are aware of the importance of writing secure code, using static code analysis tools to detect code flaws, ensure to focus on security in between or in every layers of application development architecture, secure infrastructures by deploying of best of security products which all aim to protect the companies from any attack. But is it really helping?. Why is there such an exponential growth in cyber-attacks, data breaches every year?. What more needs to be done to avoid attacks and protect data?.  Looks like the ground reality is different, though there’s lot of talks on security, not everything is actually functional or operational at ground. Unless the security measures are ensured to be functional at every layer in enterprise, the cyber-attacks and data breaches will continue to grow and take advantage of every small vulnerable flaw in IT setup's.

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